Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sociopathic Society: The Military-Industrial Concept of Self

"I wonder if it's ever struck you how curious a thing it is that most of the things we experience we regard as things that happen to us; which we ourselves do not originate, which are events expressing some sort of power or activity that is external to ourselves. And if you consider that, you realize that what you mean by your 'Self' is rather narrowly circumscribed. Even events that go on in our own bodies are put in the category of 'things that happen to us' in the same way as things that go on in the world outside our skin. If there is a thunderstorm or an earthquake, well, it happens to you; you're not responsible for it. The same way if you have hiccups; you didn't plan on it. If you have belly rumbles, you have no intention of doing it. And as for the catastrophic act of getting born, well, you had nothing to do with that! And you can spend all your life blaming your parents for putting you in the situation in which you find yourself. And this way of looking at the world in this sort of passive mood as 'something that happens to you' goes right down to our general feeling about life. It goes down to the way in which, as westerners, we have been accustomed to look at human existence as a precarious event in the Cosmos, that on the whole, is depicted as being completely unsympathetic and alien to our existence.

In other words, if you are reared with a 20th century, or shall we say, an 'early 20th century common sense,' which is based on the philosophy of science of the 19th century, with its rejection of Christianity and Judaism, you regard yourself as an accident, a biological accident, in a 'stupid' universe, which is mechanical, but has no feelings; no finer feelings. A vast pointless gyration of radioactive rocks and gas in which you happen to occur; because if you don't have the point of view, and you are more traditional, you look upon yourself as a child of God, and therefore, under authority. In other words, there is a 'Big Boss' on top of all this, who allowed you, at his pleasure, to deign to have the disgusting affrontery to exist, with the attitude of 'this is going to hurt me more than it is going to hurt you.' And when you look at the world in that image, or in the other image, that it's a stupid mechanism, either point of view you take, you don't really belong.

You're not really part of all this. And I could use a stronger word than 'part,' only we don't have it in English. We have to say something like 'connected with it,' 'essential to it' or to put it in the strongest possible way, it is quite alien to western though to conceive that the external world, which is defined as something that happens to you, and your body itself as something that you got caught up with; it is quite alien to our thought to consider all that as 'You, Yourself.' Because, you see, we have such a myopic view of what one's 'Self' is. It's as if, in other word, we have selected how much experience is really to be regarded as 'me.'

As if you focused your attention on certain restricted areas of the whole panorama of things that you experience, and say, 'I will take sides with that much of it.' Now, we come here, right at the start, to an extremely important principle, which is the different points of view you get when you change your level of magnification. That is, to say you can look at something with a microscope and see it a certain way; you can look at it with the naked eye and see it in a certain way; you can look at it with a telescope and you can see it in another way. Now, which level of magnification is the correct one? Well, obviously they are all correct. They're just different points of view.

You can, for example, look at a newspaper photograph under magnifying glass. And where, with the naked eye, you will see a human face, with a magnifying glass you will just see a profusion of dots, rather meaninglessly scattered. But as you stand away from that connection of dots, which all seem to be separate and apart from each other, they suddenly to arrange themselves into a pattern. What is, in other words, is conflict at one level, of magnification, is harmony at higher level. Now, could it possibly be that, therefore, that we, with all our problems: conflicts, neurosis, sicknesses, political outrages, wars, tortures and everything that goes on in human life, are a state of conflict which can be seen in the larger perspective as a situation of harmony. And you can say, 'A-ha! At last, I see, I've got the point. I've seen how all this makes sense.' But what this insight depended upon was your overcoming the illusion that space separates things." --Allan Watts

Resonance of Tacoma Narrows Bridge and Material-Specific Reactions

World Trade Center 7 Lathers As Dust and Unburned Paper Covers Lower Manhattan on 9/11

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Mustard Seed

The little mustard seed
Grows to become a tree
Been trying, but I can't see
What separates you from me
From seeing violence in the street
To the Earth's core below our feet

Because we grow from the Earth
Like a tree grows from the dirt
We'll have to fight to survive
But we don't need guns or knives
Hope for peace, do not avert
But the path, it could hurt

Will I turn myself around?
Can I not be lost and found?
Have you yet denied yourself?
Or do you have it on your shelf?
What did we become?
What is it I have done?
Until you see us as one
We cannot repair the sun
From giving us a glare
So find truth if you dare
See us as we are
Neither here nor far
Not like a distant star
But there, as we all are

And find that ideas don't die
But in coffins we'll lie
We don't need our pride
You can see it if you try
But don't try and you won't see
'Cause only if you'll see
We were born to be free
A pod, two little peas
Too many kids in need
And like the lowly mustard seed
Humanity can grow and see
That even the smallest can dream

[ Ryan G. Banister © 2011 ]

This is a poem I wrote years ago. Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My experience of 9/11

By Ryan G. Banister

     On a bright September morning in California, I was just a 10-year-old daydreaming in class when somebody dropped into the classroom saying, "A plane crashed in New York." Our teacher rushed to the remote, clicking on the news, where I first heard the report that planes had struck the World Trade Center towers. I was speechless and confused, watching black clouds billowing out of those buildings. Before I had a chance to decipher any of this information, the teacher made the decision to shut off the television and continue with the day's lesson. We did not watch any more for the rest of the day. At that point I was quite ignorant of what actually occurred on September 11th, 2001.

     At that time, I remember hearing that buildings were destroyed, but I did not watch the destruction. Nobody encouraged me to watch what happened in Manhattan, and just like any other 10-year-old, war games and politics were the furthest from my mind. Being young, as well as having little to no access to a computer, I simply conformed to the understanding that planes destroyed the towers. At that time, it did not occur to me that it was important for me to review this event. I assumed the adults would take care to understand the event and act accordingly. I just directed my focus on schoolwork, skateboarding and socializing, as many other kids did. What role could I play in this attack on my country?

     Some weeks later, I became aware that there was a similar attack on the Pentagon, and this was reportedly the work of hijackers that were able to take control of planes and strategically fly them into major landmarks in the United States. The adults around me seemed to avoid the topic of 9/11 at all cost. After all, who would want to discuss such a horrendous crime? I learned quickly that any discussion of these events left people with distaste and that my lack of understanding was better left unspoken. This brought me to do as the adults did, to go on about our lives without a worry, because somebody else will take care of it.

     I went on year after year letting my mind drift away into the life of a young teenager. Thoughts of the attacks on the United States were far outside of my purview. Of course, at the time, this was not odd because it seemed that nobody was concerned about what was to come from these events. People were already greatly distracted by talk of war, without a single concern of what actually occurred in New York. It is as if September 11th was just a bad dream that many had forgotten about. Nobody seemed phased, and certainly nobody I know had been studying the information very closely. It seemed as if the politics of war was the only concern that grew out of that day, and the United States people were only concerned with where we would strike next.

     Four years after the event, as a freshmen in high school, I resigned to never join into a war that had no stated enemy and no deliberate cause as to what it might solve. I could not have my hand in the blood of innocent people. It took me the next couple of years to actually analyze, with a careful eye, what occurred in Manhattan. I did not have the vocabulary nor the life experience to explain what happened, but I was very aware that no building should come apart in this way in a gravity-driven collapse. This was something different. I simply knew that without further data, I could not support a war based on a story. The war on terror has no stated enemy, and the idea of "weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" did not sound like a cause for war in any sense of the word. How many other governments had weapons of mass destruction? And yet, nobody speaks of sending our troops to die on their land. I was not easily swayed by media spin. I quickly found that I was not alone in this idea. Many people did not agree with this war, and even when it was certified that no "weapons of mass destruction" were found, our government still sent our troops to die.



- AE911Truth.org

Founder, Richard Gage and his A&E associates deliberately ignore, misrepresent and obfuscate the evidence presented in the book "Where Did The Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11" by Dr. Judy Wood. They have a Frequently Asked Questions page dedicated to misrepresent the work of Dr. Wood, and Mr. Gage has admitted that he is not interested in presenting the evidence of low seismic readings, the intact slurry wall, Hurricane Erin, weird fires, toasted cars, etc.

- VeteransToday.com

Gordon Duff, senior editor for VT, has deliberately obfuscated the issue, claiming that nukes were involved in the destruction of the towers, which is contrary to the evidence of survivors in stairwell B, the lack of significant seismic readings and lack of high heat at ground zero, as well as an intact bathtub.

- 911blogger.com

Kevin Ryan, in concert with Steven Jones and other 911blogger associates, persist in demeaning Dr. Wood by calling her evidence a "Hypothesis" or "Theory."

- VeteransNewsNow.com

This site has tried to demean Dr. Wood's research and analysis of what happened to seven World Trade Center buildings on 9/11 by referring to her body of work as "theory."

- InfoWars.com

Alex Jones and other InfoWars associates have ignored Dr. Judy Wood and evidence in her book at every turn. They seem to brush off callers who only want Alex to interview her and to tell his audience about the evidence contained in Dr. Wood's book.

- RadioFetzer.blogspot.com

Jim Fetzer deliberately ignores the evidence in Dr. Wood's work, making claims of mini-nukes being responsible for the destruction. He obfuscates the issue, ignoring the seismographic data, the survivors in stairwell B and the lack of high heat at ground zero. He refers to Dr. Wood's work as a "theory" or "hypothesis" to demean the forensic data which she has compiled in her book.

- 911Truth.org, WeAreChange.org, PilotsFor911truth.org

These websites ignore Dr. Wood's work and refer to the destruction as a "collapse," ignoring the seismographic data. On these website, you can find erroneous claims of specialized bombs and "thermite" being responsible for the destruction, without providing any significant evidence of high heat or corresponding bright flashes, which are associated with such demolitions.

- Wikipedia.org

This website has censored the Dr. Judy Wood information page for years. They have purposefully blocked content pertaining to her name or her book, "Where Did The Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11." Her name only appears on the Morgan Reynolds page, which briefly mentions the Requests for Corrections to NIST from 2007.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

9/11 Witness Testimony: Patricia Ondrovic and Fernando Camacho


Interview Date: October 1, 2001

I guess that's North Park. It's a big green, grassy area, and there's nothing there. As I was running up here, two or three more cars exploded on me. They weren't near any buildings at that point, they were just parked on the street. The traffic guys hadn't gotten a chance to tow anything yet, 'cause this was all during the first hour I guess of this thing happening. So there were still cars parked on the street that were completely independent of that. Three cars blew up on me, stuff was being thrown. I went home all bruised that day. Thank God it was only bruises.

I just ran into this park along with a bunch of other people, and stuff was still blowing up, I don't think I looked back, but you couldn't see anything, everything was just black. I was running and I was falling over people, 'cause people were crawling on the ground 'cause they couldn't see anymore. I just kept on running north. I could smell water, so I just kept on running towards the water, 'cause I knew that my coat was on fire, and I figured well, if I can see a boat over the water, I'm just gonna jump onto the boat and take that thing to Jersey, 'cause no one wants to blow up Jersey. Stuff is still blowing up behind me, as I'm running. I can hear stuff exploding.

I could hear rumbling, the street under me was moving like I was in an earthquake. I've been in those, so I know what they feel like. It felt like an earthquake. There was no where safe to go. As I was running north in this park, and then I could start seeing again a little bit, and I just kept looking in the sky. 'Cause the captain was saying there's another plane heading in our direction, I was looking for another plane. I saw something in the sky, it was a plane, but it was way out. It looked like it was over Jersey or something, then it wasn't there anymore. I saw a small fireball, and it was gone. I saw two other planes. One came in one way, and the other came in the other way, and there was a plane in the middle that was way far off in the distance. Then the plane in the middle just disappeared into a little fire ball. It looked like the size of a golf ball from where I could see it. And the other two planes veered off into opposite directions. I just kept on running north. About fifteen blocks later, I had no idea that that was just the first tower that had come down.
[Patricia Ondrovic Witness Testimony taken from: http://abclocal.go.com/images/wabc/2005/OndrovicPatricia_EMT.pdf]


Interview Date: December 12, 2001
We went across the lobby of the hotel, going north, and we exited and made a right going towards the second tower, the south tower. We must have walked about 100-200 feet to revolving doors, which led into a hallway to where the mall was. I could see maybe 20, civilians and I believe Ladder 25, which was about another 100 to 150 feet ahead of us. As we came in through the revolving doors, the lights went out. A second or two later everything started to shake. You could hear explosions. We didn't know what it was. We thought it was just a small collapse.
As I looked straight ahead of me, I saw total darkness. Everything was coming our way like a wave. The firefighters that were ahead of us and the civilians that were ahead of us totally disappeared. We turned around. We were all pretty much within ten feet of each other: lieutenant, chauffeur, roof, OV, can. As we turned around, I ran probably maybe ten feet and that's when the body of the building or body of the collapse hit, and we were flying through the air basically. I must have flown 30, 40 feet through the air. Then total quiet. You couldn't breathe. You couldn't see anything.
[Fernando Camacho Witness Testimony taken from: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/nyregion/20050812_WTC_GRAPHIC/9110318.PDF]

UNCLASSIFIED DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE REPORT LENR (Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions): A combination of fusion and fission

Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Analysis Report
13 November 2009

Technology Forecast: Worldwide Research on Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Increasing and Gaining Acceptance

Scientists worldwide have been quietly investigating low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) for the past 20 years. Researchers in this controversial field are now claiming paradigm-shifting results, including generation of large amounts of excess heat, nuclear activity and transmutation of elements.

Although no current theory exists to explain all the reported phenomena, some scientists now believe quantum-level nuclear reactions may be occurring. DIA assesses with high confidence that if LENR can produce nuclear-origin energy at room temperatures, this disruptive technology could revolutionize energy production and storage, since nuclear reactions release millions of times more energy per unit mass than do any known chemical fuel.''


In 1989, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons announced that their electrochemical experiments had produced excess energy under standard temperature and pressure conditions. 6 Because they could not explain this physical phenomenon based on known chemical reactions, they suggested the excess heat could be nuclear in origin. However, their experiments did not show the radiation or radioactivity expected from a nuclear reaction. Many researchers attempted to replicate the results and failed, As a result, the physics community disparaged their work as lacking credibility, and the press mistakenly dubbed it "cold fusion." Related research also suffered from the negative publicity of cold fusion for the past 20 years, but many scientists believed something important was occurring and continued their research with little or no visibility. For years, scientists were intrigued by the possibility of producing large amounts of clean energy through LENR, and now this research has begun to be accepted in the scientific community as reproducible and legitimate.

Source Summary Statement

This assessment is based on analysis of a wide body of intelligence reporting, most of which is open source information including scientific briefings, peer-reviewed technical journals, international scientific conference proceedings, interviews with scientific experts and technical media. While there is little classified data on this topic due to the S&T nature of the information and the lack of collection, DIA judges that these open sources generally provide the most reliable intelligence available on this topic. The information in this report has been corroborated and reviewed by U.S. technology experts who are Familiar with the data and the international scientists involved in this work. Although much skepticism remains, LENR programs are receiving increased support worldwide, including state sponsorship and funding from major corporations.''  DIA assesses that Japan and Italy are leaders in the field, although Russia, China, Israel, and India I are devoting significant resources to this work in the hope of finding a new clean energy source. Scientists worldwide have been reporting anomalous excess heat production, as well as evidence of nuclear particles and transmutation.

• Y. Iwamura l8 at Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries first detected transmutation of elements   when permeating deuterium through palladium metal in 2002.
• Researchers led by Y. Arata at Osaka University in Japan  and a team led by V.Violante at ENEA in Italy (the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and the Environment—the equivalent to the U.S. Department of Energy)  also made transmutation claims.
• Additional indications of transmutation have been reported in China, Russia, France, Ukraine, and the United States. 
• Researchers in Japan, Italy, Israel, and the United States have all reported detecting evidence of nuclear particle emissions
• Chinese researchers described LENR experiments in 1991 that generated so much heat that they caused an explosion that was not believed to be chemical in origin.
• Japanese, French, and U.S. scientists also have reported rapid, high-energy LENR releases leading to laboratory explosions, according to scientific journal articles from 1992 to 2009. 
• Israeli scientists reported in 2008 that they have applied pulsating electrical currents to their LENR experiments to increase the excess energy production. 
• As of January 2008, India was reportedly considering restarting its LENR program after 14 years of dormancy.  U.S. LENR researchers also have reported results that support the phenomena of anomalous heat, nuclear particle production, and transmutation
• At the March 2009 American Chemical Society annual meeting, researchers at U.S. Navy SPAWAR Pacific reported excess energy, nuclear particles, and transmutation, stating that these effects were probably the result of nuclear reactions.
• A research team at the U.S. company SRI International has been studying the electrochemistry and kinetics of LENR since the early 1990's, reporting excess heat and helium production.
• In May 2002, researchers at JET Thermal in Massachusetts reported excess heat and optimal operating points for LENR manifolds.
• Researchers at the China Lake Naval Air Warfare Center in California first reported anomalous power correlated with Helium-4 production in 1996.

Although no one theory currently exists to explain all the observed LENR phenomena, some scientists now believe these nuclear reactions may be small-scale deuterium fusion occurring in a palladium metal lattice. Some others still believe the heat evolution can be explained by non-nuclear means. Another possibility is that LENR may involve an intricate combination of fusion and fission triggered by unique chemical and physical configurations on a nanoscale leve1. This body of research has produced evidence that nuclear reactions may be occurring under conditions not previously believed possible. Recent results suggest these anomalous LENR phenomena can be triggered by various energetic stimuli (electric and magnetic fields, acoustic waves, infrared, lasers) and may have a variety of operational modes.

Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion as currently understood occurs only in the core of stars, in nuclear weapons, in high temperature plasmas, or in inertially confined high-energy collisions. Scientists for years have attempted to harness nuclear fusion through high-temperature plasma techniques but have been unable to produce more energy output than supplied. Fusion was once thought to be the answer to the world's future clean energy needs, but after 60 years of research still has yet to live up to this promise. "Hot" fusion researchers do not believe fusion can occur at near-room temperatures based on the Coulomb barrier that repels like nuclear charges and have dismissed much of the "cold fusion" research conducted since 1989. As a result, such research has received limited funding and support over the past 20 years.

Potential Applications of LENR: The Technology Surprise Factor

LENR's potential as a future clean energy source is still unknown. However, recent results indicating nuclear activity and transmutation are intriguing and pose the following questions:

• If the excess heat from these experiments could be captured and intensified, could LENR be used as a power source for engines, batteries, or other equipment?
• If nuclear particles could be generated and transmute elements, could LENR be used to mitigate hazardous waste or to neutralize weapons of mass destruction?
• If the various modes of energy production could be identified and optimized, could LENR be used to create designer materials or critical resources that are in short supply or serve as a tailored, "dial-a-mode" power source? [NI Pt cathode anode NdFeB magnet (12200 Gauss) CR-39 chip]
• If rapid, explosive energy output can occur in one or several modes, could LENR serve as a new high-energy-density explosive?

International LENR research was highlighted in April 2009 on a U.S. television program focused on the 20th anniversary of the Fleischman and Pons announcement.  Many U.S. researchers are collaborating with foreign scientists, but each team has proprietary aspects of their experiments that are not shared. Because some peer-reviewed journals are reluctant to review or publish LENR data due to past controversies, most results are presented at international conferences, and foreign scientists have access to much of the U.S. data. In addition, U.S. experts have been invited to brief on LENR to nuclear institutes in India, Belgium, and South Korea, and a reciprocal visit by South Koreans to SPAWAR Pacific to initiate collaboration is planned. This relatively free flow of information increases the likelihood of a technology breakthrough—as well as the potential for technology surprise—by an international team, especially those from countries that are devoting more resources to this research than is the United States, and are supported with major corporate funding (Mitsubishi, Toyota, and Honda in Japan; Pirelli in Italy). 

The Experiments

Most LENR experiments involve electrodes immersed in solutions of metal salts such as lithium chloride or lithium sulfate, with heavy water substituted for natural water. Electric current is sent through the experimental apparatus, in most instances producing excess heat. This effect occurs over long periods (several hundreds of hours), and many early experimenters achieved negative results because they were unaware of this incubation period. Israeli researchers used pulsating electric fields to increase heat production. The application of magnetic fields has been shown to stimulate increased heat and power. Usually one of the electrodes is palladium, because it has a high ability to adsorb (hold on the surface) and absorb deuterium atoms in its metal matrix. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen that undergoes fusion in nuclear weapons at high temperatures and pressures; it also undergoes fusion and is one of the basic building blocks of the heavier elements formed in stars. The Navy SPAWAR experiments used a unique technique to place the palladium atoms in the heavy-water solution and to codeposit palladium and deuterium, which rapidly increases the deuterium "loading" necessary for the LENR phenomena to occur.

Who's Hot in Cold Fusion?

The countries with the most advanced LENR programs are Japan, Italy, and Israel. In addition, Russia, France, China, South Korea, and India are spending significant resources on LENR research. The following are among the most notable efforts:

• In Japan, Iwamura at Mitsubishi has been studying transmutation of elements in LENR experiments and multilayer palladium (Pd) complexes. His team includes the Japanese Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute and SPring-8 at Riken. Kitamura and other researchers at Kobe University are investigating Pd nanopowders and Helium-4 ash. Arata at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has worked on catalysts containing nanopalladium. Yamaguchi at Kobe noted transmutation using multilayered Pd samples. Mizuno at Hokkaido is studying transmutations and heat generation. A team led by Hioki at Toyota is investigating deuterium gas permeation through Pd as well as transmutations. Toriyabe at Tohoku University is developing charged-particle detectors for LENR. Kasagi is looking at electron and ionic screening in LENR effects.

• Vittorio Violante, a leader in the field of Pd metallurgy and the role of surface effects in LENR, heads a team at ENEA, Frascati Rome, (the Italian equivalent to the U.S. Department of Energy) performing LENR experiments. A team led by Francesco Celani at INFN that includes STMicroelectronics and Pirelli labs is studying deuterium migration in nanocoated Pd for fast-loading and anomalous heat effects. The Italian Physical and Chemical Societies are supporting LENR research in Italy.

• Srinivasan in India noted that India is restarting its LENR program; the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre had several groups working on LENR from 1989 to the early 1990s. Sinha at IISc in Bangalore is studying models for fusion in metal deuterides. Lakshrnanan at Saveetha College is exploring fusion in sodium metal solutions.

• Andrei Lipson and other researchers at the Russian Academy of Sciences and scientists in Tomsk are studying the emission of charged particles during the use of electron beams to excite palladium/deuterium (Pd/D) and titanium/deuterium (TifD) targets. Karabut and others at LUCH also are conducting LENR experiments. A Dubna team led by Gareev is studying nuclear fusion during cavitation and molecular transitions. LUCH's Savvatimova, Dash, Muromtsev, and Artamonov also are conducting LENR experiments. Adamenko and Vysotskii of Kiev are looking for magnetic monopoles in LENR experiments. Kurchatov-based scientist Goryachev is investigating LENR for alternative energy sources and for mitigating radioactive waste.

• Xing Z. Li at Tshinghua University claims 20 institutions in China are investigating LENR with governmental support. Tian's team at Cahnchun University of Science and Technology is investigating laser triggering in Pd/D systems. Zhang and other researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences have studied Pd-D kinetics in LENR since 1991.

• Israeli scientists at Energetics in Omer have shown that variations in energy output can be increased using variable frequency or pulsed "superwaves" to stimulate LENR effects.

• The French Atomic Energy Agency had an official LENR program from 1997 to 1999. EDF also had one for several years. Currently, Jean-Paul Biberian from the Universite Marseille and Jacques Dufour at CNAM are working on LENR in France.

• Jan Marwan of Dr. Marwan Chemie in Berlin, Germany, is studying the nanostructure of palladium hydride systems. Huke and others from the Technische Universitat Berlin are working with Czerski in Poland and Ruprecht in Canada on electron screening mechanisms for deuteron fusion.

Outlook and Implications

If nuclear reactions in LENR experiments are real and controllable, DIA assesses that whoever produces the first commercialized LENR power source could revolutionize energy production and storage for the future. The potential applications of this phenomenon, if commercialized, are unlimited. The anomalous LENR effects seen in these metal lattices containing deuterium may also have as-yet undetermined nanotechnology implications. LENR could serve as a power source for batteries that could last for decades, providing power for electricity, sensors, military operations, and other applications in remote areas, including space. LENR could also have medical applications for disease treatment, pacemakers, or other equipment. Because nuclear fusion releases 10 million times more energy per unit mass than does liquid transportation fuel, the military potential of such high-energy-density power sources is enormous. And since the U.S. military is the largest user of liquid fuel for transportation, LENR power sources could produce the greatest transformation of the battlefield for U.S. forces since the transition from horsepower to gasoline power.

Prepared by: Beverly Barnhart, DIA/DI, Defense Warning Office. With contributions from: Dr. Patrick McDaniel, University of New Mexico; Dr. Pam Mosier-Boss, U.S. Navy SPAWAR/Pacific; Dr. Michael McKubre, SRI International; Mr. Lawrence Forsley, JWK International; and Dr. Louis DeChiaro, NSWC/Dahlgren.

Coordinated with DIA/DRI, CPT, DWO, DOE/IN, US Navy SPAWAR/Pacific and U.S. NSWC/Dahlgren, VA.

1  Bockris, John. "The History of the Discovery of Transmutation at Texas A&M University." paper presented at the 10' International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF). Cambridge, MA, 2003.
2  14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008.
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom determines the identity of the chemical element_ Nuclear transmutation occurs when the number of protons in the nucleus is changed by adding or removing protons or converting them to other nuclear particles. Thus transmutation changes one chemical element into another through a nuclear process.
4  Benedict, M., T. Pigford, and H. Levi, "Nuclear Chemical Engineering." McGraw Hill Series in Nuclear Engineering, 1981.
5  Hecker, S.. "Plutonium, A Historical Overview," Challenges in Plutonium Science, Vol. 1, Los Alamos. National Laboratory. No. 26, 2000.
6  Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 261. 263, 287, pp 187, 301. 293.
7  DeChiaro, Louis, "Recent Progress in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. "briefing prepared by NAVSEA. Dahlgren. for DDR&E, 28 August, 2009.
8  Iwamura, Yashiro, et al ., "Transmutation Reactions Induced by D2 Gas Permeation Through Pd Complexes (Pd/CaO/Pd)," 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington. DC, 10-15 August 2008.
9  Hioki, Tatsumi, et al., "Influence of Deuterium Gas Permeation on Surface Elemental Change of Ion-Implanted Pd," 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC. 10-15 August 2008.
10  Celani, Francesco, et al., "Deuteron Electromigration in Thin Pd Wires Coated with Nano-Particles: Evidence for Ultra-Fast Deuterium Loading and Anomalous, Large Thermal Effects," 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008.
11  "Exciting New Science; Potential Clean Energy," Abstracts. 14th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science and International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF). Washington, DC. 10-15 August 2008.
12  Mosier-Boss, et al. "Triple Tracks in CR-39 as the Result of Pd/D Co-deposition: Evidence of Energetic Neutrons," Naturwissenschaften, 96, 2009, 135-142.
13  Mosier-Boss, et al., Navy SPAWAR briefing, American Chemical Society annual meeting, March 2009.
14  "Exciting New Science; Potential Clean Energy," Abstracts, 14th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science and International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008.
15  Transmutations only occur when nuclear particles interact and are exchanged to produce different elements.
16  Iwamura, Yashiro, et al., "Transmutation Reactions Induced by D2 Gas Permeation Through Pd Complexes (Pd/CaO/Pd) 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008.
17  Yamaguchi, Tatsuya, et al., "Investigation of Nuclear Transmutation Using Multilayered CaOIXIPd Samples Under Deuterium Permeation," 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008.
18  Iwamura, Yashiro, et al., "Elemental Analysis of Pd Complexes: Effects of D2 Gas Permeation," Japan Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 41, 2002, pp. 4642-4650.
19  Arata, Y., "Anomalous Effects in Charging of Pd Powders with High Density Hydrogen Isotopes," Physics Letters A, 373, 2009, pp 3109-3 112.
20  Violante, V. et al., "On the Correlation of PdD Alloy Material Properties with the Occurrence of Excess Power," briefing presented at 14 th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008.
21  Prelas, M.A., et al., "A review of Transmutation and Clustering in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions," briefing presented at Vice Chancellor for Research Seminar on LENR, University of Missouri, May 2009.
22  Briefings presented at Navy SPAWAR San Diego, LENR meeting, 4-5 August, 2009.
23  Mosier-Boss, et al. "Triple Tracks in CR-39 as the Result of Pd/D Co-deposition: Evidence of Energetic Neutrons," Naturwissenschaften, 96, 2009, 135-142.
24  Mizuno, Tadahiko, "Neutron Emission Induced by Nuclear Reaction in Condensed Matter." briefing presented at Vice Chancellor for Research Seminar on LENR, University of Missouri, May 2009.
25  Zhang, et al., "On the Explosion in a Deuterium/Palladium Electrolytic System," Third International conference on Cold Fusion, 1992, Nagoya. Japan.
26  Biberian, Jean-Paul, "Unexplained Explosion During an Electrolysis Experiment in an Open Cell Mass flow Calorimeter." Journal of Condensed Matter, Nuclear Science, 2 (2009) pp. 1-6.
27  Zhang, et al., "On the Explosion in a Deuterium/Palladium electrolytic System," Third International conference on Cold Fusion. 1992, Nagoya, Japan.
28  Lesin. et al., "Ultrasonically-Excited Electrolysis Experiments at Energetic Technologies," Energetics Technologies, Omer. Israel, briefing presented at 14 th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008
29  Jayaraman. K.S., "Cold Fusion is Hot Again," Nature India, 2008. Published online 17 Jan 2008. http://www.lenr- cannoreacrobat/JayaramanKcoldfusion.pdf
30 Mosier-Boss, et al., multiple briefings presented at Navy SPAWAR Pacific, August 4-5, 2009.
31  McKubre, Michael. "Studies of the Fleischmann-Pons Effect at SRI International," briefing presented at Vice Chancellor for Research Seminar on LENR, University of Missouri. May 2009.
32  Spzak, Stan. et al., "Evidence of Nuclear Reactions in the Pd Lattice," Natunvissenschaften, 92, 2005. 394-397.
33  Szpak, Stan. et al., "Thermal Behavior of Polarized Pd/D Electrodes Prepared by Co-Deposition," Thennochimica A•ta, 410. 2004. 101-107.
34  Mosier-Boss. et al., "Triple Tracks in CR-39 as the Result of Pd/D Co-deposition: Evidence of Energetic Neutrons," Nutunvissen.rchaften, 96, 2009. 135-142.
35  Spzak, Stan, et al., "Evidence of Nuclear Reactions in the Pd Lattice," Natunvissenschaften, 92, 2005. 394-397.
36  The identity of a chemical element is determined by the number of protons in its atomic nucleus. Transmutation occurs when one chemical element is changed into another one. This normally occurs during radioactive decay, but can occur from any number of nuclear processes that add or subtract protons from the atomic nucleus.
37  Mosier-Boss, et al., Navy SPAWAR briefing, American Chemical Society annual meeting, March 2009.
38  McKubre, Michael, "Studies of the Fleischmann-Pons Effect at SRI International," briefing presented at Vice Chancellor for Research Seminar: Excess Heat and Particle Tracks from Deuterium-Loaded Palladium, University of Missouri, 29 May 2009.
39  Swartz, Mitchell, et al., "The Impact of Heavy Water (D20) on Nickel-Light Water Cold Fusion Systems." Proceedings of the 9 th International Conference on Cold Fusion, ICCF-9, Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. May 19-24, 2002, Beijing, China, Tsinghua University Press, 2003, pp 335-342.
40  Miles, Melvin, et al., "Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems," Final Report, NAWCWPNS TP 8302, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, 1996.
41  Hagelstein, Peter and Irfan Chaudhary, "Modeling Excess Heat in the Fleischmann-Pons Experiment," briefing presented at Vice Chancellor for Research Seminar on LENR, University of Missouri, May 2009.
42  Olenik, V.P. and Yu. D. Arepjev, "Physical Mechanism of Nuclear Reactions at Low Energies," National Technical University of Ukraine, Kiev Polytechnic Institute
43  Srivastava, Y.N., 0. Panella, A. Widom, "Instability of the Perturbation Theoretical Chromodynamic Vacuum," LANL web site, arXiv:0811.3293v1 20 Nov 2008.
44  Hagelstein, Peter, MIT, Briefing, Navy SPAWAR Pacific. August 2009.,
45  McDaniel, Patrick, "Electrochemically Induced Nuclear Reactions," briefing, presented at Navy SPAWAR Pacific, August 2009.
46  Sinha, K.P. and A.Meulenberg, "Laser Stimulation of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions in Deuterated Palladium," Current Science, Vol.91, No.7, 10 October, 2006, pp. 907-912
47  Lesin, et al., "Ultrasonically-Excited Electrolysis Experiments at Energetic Technologies," Energetics Technologies, Omer, Israel, briefing presented at 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), Washington, DC, 10-15 August 2008.
48  Tsvetkov., S.A., "Possibility of Using Cold Fusion for Nuclear Waste Products Transmutation," 10th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Cambridge, MA, 2003. from LENR-CANR.org website.
49  http://www.cbsriews.com/stories/2009/04/I7/60minutes/main4952167.shtml?tag=contentMain;contentBody
50  Personal correspondence, Dr. Michael McKubre, SRI International, October, 2009.
51  Forsley, L., "Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions: Overview of an Unexpected Phenomena." First Colloquium on Nano-Nuclear Science l'Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium, May 4-5, 2009.
52  Personal correspondence, Mr. Lawrence Forsley, JWK International, October, 2009.
53  In Japan, the three major auto makers are supporting LENR research. In Italy, Pirelli Labs is one of many corporate and governmental sponsors of LENR research. Sa Biberian, Jean-Paul. "Unexplained Explosion During an Electrolysis Experiment in an Open Cell Mass flow Calorimeter," Journal of Condensed Matter, Nuclear Science, 2 (2009) pp. 1-6. 8


Friday, May 23, 2014

Dr. Eugene Mallove Uncovered Fraud By MIT: Massachusetts Institue of Technology Committed Fraud, Misrepresenting Evidence of Excess Heat in an Electrolytic Cell

Dr. B. Stanley Pons (left) and Dr. Martin Fleischmann (right)

Eugene Mallove, chief science writer for MIT in 1989, investigated the discovery of low-energy nuclear reactions by University of Utah chemists, Drs. Martin Fleischmann and B. Stanley Pons. He found that the calorimetric data of the Fleischmann-Pons experiments, showed anomalous heat that could not be accounted for in any known chemical reaction.

MIT conducted tests which were aimed at replicating this excess heat effect. After reviewing the calorimetric data of MIT, Mallove revealed fraudulent reports by the university, claiming that there was no excess heat, while the unadjusted results actually reinforced the discovery of excess heat. Mallove uncovered that his university had malevolently altered their results to invalidate Pons and Fleischmann.

Dr. Mallove resigned from MIT to tell the world of this scientific fraud. He published investigative reports on the misdeeds of MIT nuclear physicists, who had a vested interest in the hot fusion research, in the cold fusion scandal. His book, Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor, revealed a cover-up in the science community, stifling a whole new area of scientific research. Since Mallove's death in 2004, Los Alamos has affirmed the truth of low-energy nuclear reactions(LENR). A well-known writer, Arthur C. Clarke concluded that the suppression of cold fusion was "one of the greatest scandals in the history of science."

“I have had fifty years of experience in nuclear physics and I know what’s possible and what’s not... I will not look at any more [cold fusion] evidence! It’s all junk!”
~Herman Feshbach, MIT professor, 1991

“I hope you recognize that the late Professor Feshbach’s most unfortunate and ill-considered reaction was fundamentally unscientific. It reminds me of the Church leaders at the time of Galileo, who refused to look through Galileo’s telescope at the Moon or at Jupiter because they “knew” that nothing new could be seen. Yes, many modern scientists are filled with catastrophic hubris; they have in many ways become mere “technicians of science,” and guardians to what amounts to a pernicious “Holy Writ.” Don’t bother me with the experimental evidence, my theory can tell me what is possible and what is not!”
~Eugene Mallove, www.infinite-energy.com, 2004

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The internet is becoming the new arena to play football with information. We need to practice and apply skepticism, while utilizing critical thinking, to decipher truth from falsehood in this arena of deceit. We must be mindful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater when researching a challenging topic. The mission of Pause and Reflect News is to create a meaningful way to separate verifiable data from that which is deceptively misleading, leaving each of our readers to decide for themselves what is true.