[Original article in German (here), translated using Google Translate]
The commentary on the research results of the geologist FK Ewert for extensive manipulation of global temperature data by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in ACHGUT by the well-known television journalist Günter Ederer has (and still does) struck high waves. On the side on which the Notrickszone English version was published, the operator Pierre Gosselin had already put on the brakes and has 2400 likes after initially further commentary set ....
Prof. Dr. K.F. Ewert (EIKE)
Two complexes has geologist studied in detail: the rear changes in temperature data between 2010 and 2012., therefore the manipulation of data, and regardless of the global development of temperatures between 1880 and 2010. This is covered in the attached pdf report in detail, the also briefly mentioned the manipulation in Section 2.2 and its rear amendments in Appendix 2 example illustrates: in March 2010, March 2012 and December 2012 provide the relevant data of the stations Darwin and Palma de Mallorca different temperature response lines - in December 2012 appeared the past - and thus the temperature - warmer than in March of 2010.
Prof. Ewert as well as Günter Ederer have under this article get many, many requests from reputable institutions and scientists around the world who want to have more facts and details on these results. At least the German-speaking among them can be helped. Read the short and the long version in pdf format below.
Global warming - what was measured and how was it evaluated?
Mankind always knew that constantly there are climate changes. The parable of the seven fat and seven lean years for an indication. With the development of science, people have recognized the causes of the changes - the sun changes its thermal radiation and the earth will change its orbit. This force since the beginning of Earth periodically, radiation cycles of Milankovitch but 'to have lost with the beginning of a new heating phase in the early 1980s its effect - supposedly the atmospheric trace gas CO2 became effective and now determined the evolution of the climate.
In any case, between the first environmental conference in Stockholm in 1972 and the following conferences in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro and 1997 recognized in Kyoto some environmental activists and so propagated. This had two consequences: 1) of Environmental Protection was climate change, and 2) the now as a problem child of the international policy in the area of responsibility of the UN and within the mandate of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate (IPCC) came. The activists were initially worried about the welfare of the earth lay, but soon recognized scientists their career opportunities and sought to evidence supporting the cause of global warming began around 1980. It helped the now available computer, because with him data processing and modeling of scenarios for the future were possible. The scenarios predicted in the event of further CO2 emissions the progress of the warming.
Prof. John Christy, University of Alabama, has compared the predictions of the most important climate-computers together. He has found that all the results are different. The criterion for science is not satisfied, because it requires that several research approaches lead to the same result. The computer results show just the opposite: for the year 2020 is heating up from 0.3 to 1.3 ° C is expected. Which result is true if all are different? None!
The climate data from the past few decades are enough according to a statement of the DWD, to calibrate the models for Klimasimulierung the future. This approach is not acceptable and can provide in view of terrestrial climate history of 4.5 billion years, with a myriad of unknown events only doubtful results. From a geological point of view and paläoklimatologischer climate facts of the past must be taken into account for the assessment of future development.Ulrich Berner and Hans-Jörg Streif have for the Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), the Lower Saxony State Office for Soil Research (NLfB) and the Institute for Applied Geosciences (GGA), all based in Hannover, as editor in her book "Air Facts, the retrospective - a key to the future "climate development of the geological past to the present scientifically analyzed. They have shown with reference to the facts that global warming allegedly caused by us humans by means of our CO2 emissions does not take place.
Despite the technically correct analysis of John Christy and Ulrich Berner & Hans-Jörg Streif the official climate policy still claims that a strong global warming is taking place, cause we humans with our CO2 emissions. It is concluded that we need to reduce these emissions, so that the earth remains livable for mankind. Based on this assertion are still the climate simulation models that predict a strong warming despite the current slowdown phase. Although the IPCC (IPCC) had emphasized early on that predictions for climate are not possible, because it is a chaotic nonlinear system with many factors that determine their results still the climate policy, as well as the decisions of the G7 conference in Ellmau again confirm.
While this model has not been proven, there is ample evidence that the CO2 emissions are insignificant. This evidence is also little attention to the assessment of climate change, as measured for more than a hundred years, temperatures have been carried out by tens of thousands of weather stations around the world guards. Therefore, it was necessary to manually evaluate from 1881-2010 registered temperatures in detail. The results containing the attached pdf-file report. The following chart summarizes the main results together.
- 1881 and 2010, four cooling between stages and three warm phases have alternated
- Stronger warming, despite longer cooling periods happened before the start of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions
- The temperature in the last century has a total of slightly cooled
- An influence of our CO2 Emissiomem the temperatures can not be seen.
The long version can be loaded into two parts as pdf:
Part 1: http://www.eike-klima-energie.eu/uploads/media/EIKE_NASA-GISS_Anl__22.11.15.pdf
Part 2: http://www.eike-klima-energie.eu/uploads/media/EIKE_NASA-GISS_TXT_22.11.15.pdf
Original article (in German): Manipulierte Temperatur-Daten? Erderwärmung – was wurde gemessen und wie wurde ausgewertet? - http://www.eike-klima-energie.eu/news-cache/manipulierte-temperatur-daten-erderwaermung-was-wurde-gemessen-und-wie-wurde-ausgewertet/
German Scientist Accused NASA of ‘Massive’ Temperature Alterations:
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